Welcome to our targets and feedback page. Occasionally customers will send us letters and pictures regarding our product. We like to post these here as a testament to our bullets. If you have anything you would like to share please email it to us at bearcreekinquries@gmail.com
I’ve been using Bear Creek Supply (BCS) bullets for nearly a quarter-century.
I met the then new owner of BCS, Steve Miller, at the NRA Convention in Phoenix. I was highly skeptical about his claims. How could any bullet be that good? I was writing my first handloading manual and planning on spending a week testing various loads in the Accurate Arms Ballistics Laboratory. That was a perfect opportunity to test BCS bullets.
At Accurate, the Chief Ballistician and I compared three versions of a 320-grain SWC in the 44 Magnum. We tested loads with conventional grease in the lubricant groves; with BCS’s proprietary friction-proofing rosin jacket plus grease, and with only the BCS rosin jacket. We tested each version of that bullet with three propellants. Tested charges gave 800 fps (Accurate #5), 950 fps (Accurate #7), and 1100 fps (Accurate #9). We tested each load in the pressure test barrel and in a S&W revolver.
We proved that the Bear Creek Supply jacket, without added grease, always gave the most consistent velocity. We also found that firing the BCS bullets left the test guns and fired cases clean and free of bore fouling, and residues of smoke and grease. The BCS bullet even eliminated the unpleasant — burnt grease — smell associated with firing conventional greased-bullet loads.
Soon after that, Roger Hazlewood began using a BCS bullet in his 38 Special loads for Bullseye Pistol competition. In ten years, he fired more than 8000 BCS bullets through his heavily customized S&W revolver. He never cleaned the gun or the cases, and he never needed to! From the day he started using BCS bullets, the bore, exterior of the gun, and cases got progressively cleaner!
I have had similar results in the 38-55, 45-70, 43 Mauser, (still impatiently waiting for a 710-grain RN for the 50-90 Sharps!), 44 Magnum, 44 Special, and 45 Automatic. When I shoot BCS bullets using appropriate propellants and charges, the guns stay clean, and the bores never have any noticeable fouling of any kind.
As just one example, I have thousands of BCS bullets through my Marlin 38-55. The bore remains shiny and clean. I run a patch soaked with synthetic grease through the bore before storing the gun, then I run a dry patch through the bore before using it again. That is the only care the bore ever gets or needs.
For use in loads where a conventional cast bullet is appropriate, BCS bullets are so superior to conventionally cast and lubricated bullets that, whenever I can, I use BCS bullets exclusively. With the ever-expanding BCS line, the number of loads I use with any other cast bullet is rapidly diminishing. I look forward to being able to use these superior bullets in every cast-bullet load I shoot.
M.L. (Mic) McPherson
Author: Metallic Cartridge Handloading: Pursuit of the Perfect Cartridge

Dear sir,
Having shot Bear Creek Bullets for the last 39 years (started around 1980 when IPSC was just getting popular)...thought I'd drop you a note stating how well they have served me over this length of time.
Have shot the spectrum of pistol competition calibers, from light load 9mm Auto and .38 Short Colt revolver rounds for the Steel Challenge, .45 ACP rounds for Stock Gun IPSC loads, all the way through heavy bowling pin loads in .45 ACP and .45 Colt revolver loads. All have done very well. Definitely had less leading than with the usual plain lead, no smoke to squint through and NO BARRELS WEARING OUT. And I like the idea of the moly coating there to insulate your fingers away from touching the lead over time.
I wouldn't consider shooting anything else and have enclosed some targets to prove their accuracy.
Stan M.

The targets below are groups shot using our 38-55 255 grain bullet in a custom Stevens 44 1/2 rifle. Shot from a bench rest at 100 yards using a Lyman 15 power SuperTarget spot scope.

First Group

Second Group
Rifle info:
Custom Stevens 44 1/2 38-55 Caliber. No. 3 WT barrel, 28" length. Douglas supreme grade. Groove dia. .376". Bore dia. .367". Rate of twist: 1:16. Chambered with standard Clymer chamber reamer.
Load Data:
Modern Winchester Cartridge Cases with standard flash holes
Neck expanded with .378" neck exp.
Federal No. 210 LR primers
9.5 grains Unique
Bear Creek Supply 38-55 WCF 255gr Sized .380"
Groups loaded & fired with bullets random selected
Bullets seated just below crimping groove
O.A.L. approx. 2.585"
No wad or filler used
Note: Both groups fired without wiping bore. 2nd group consists of shots 13 through 22.

Target below was shot with a Shiloh Sharps 45-70 using our 305 gr bullet and 27 grains of AA 5744. 100 yards off of a bench.